
Gallery Forum, is a basic forum module for gallery2.

The module gives the possibility to gallery owners to have a forum without the need of embedding their gallery.

Current Release
The current release is 0.1.9 and has the current features:

Admin can:

  1. Create/Delete/Move categories
  2. Create/Delete/Move forums within categories
  3. View/Delete reported posts/topics
  4. Pin/Unpin topics at the top
  5. Add/Remove Forum link to system menu
  6. Set number of Posts/Topics per page

Regular user can:

  1. Create new topic
  2. Post replies
  3. Report other users posts/topics
  4. Edit/Delete own posts/topics
  5. Subscribe to post/receive email notification
  6. Add/Create post Signature

Features we like to add (list compiled by Serban):

  1. user rank
  2. avatar
  3. user messages
  4. link in the photo/album sidebar (i.e discuss this in forum => add a new topic with pre-loaded [img] [/img] data)
  5. URL rewrite integration

Andrea Belvedere

is a freelance Software Engineer founder of Byteset; a company dedicate to create websites powered by custom build CMS.

Besides programming and the web Andrea is passionate about racing bikes and épéé fencing.

Serban Constantinescu

(coming soon)